Sermon 9-8-2024 “Salvation, Vengence, and Recompense”

Sermon 9-1-2024 “Onward Christian Soldiers“

Sermon 8-18-2024 “Our Call to Live in the Light”

Sermon 8-25-2024 “God’s Grace In Us and Through Us”

Sermon 8-4-2024 “Desire This Bread Always”

 Sermon 7-28-2024 “He Passes By”

Sermon 7-21-2024 “Something to Eat”

Sermon 7-14-2024 “Which Kingdom”

Sermon 7-7-2024 “Particular God”

Sermon 6-30-2024 “Soul Meets God”

Sermon 6-23-2024 “We Need a Savior”

Sermon 6-16-2024 “The Mysterious Middle”

Sermon 6-9-2024 “Binding the Strongman “

Sermon 6-2-2024 “Remember the Sabbath Day“

Sermon 5-26-2024 “Do Your Job”

Sermon 5-19-2024 “Dry Bones”

Sermon 5-12-2024 “What Do We Do Now?”

Sermon 5-5-2024 “Abiding”

Sermon 4-28-2024 “Growing Vines”

Sermon 4-21-2024 “Knowing and Being Known”

Sermon Archives